
Celebrating 9th birthday!

Celebrating 9th birthday!

10-07-2018 Its ninth birthday, an incredibly friendly and, even a bit desperate, team of Store Food Distribution celebrated at the highest point of Ukraine - Hoverla mountain. On this day (June 23rd!!) on the top of the mountain the snow was falling, and on the way to it there was a rain, a hail, a frosty strong wind... Due to bad weather, it was necessary to climb a steep route, which sometimes resembled a training wall for climbers, and slippery stones were completely unstable. Two hours later it seemed that you would never reach the top: the heart beat was at the temples, the face burned, legs began not to listen. And only hope, constant support from colleagues and strong will made it possible to reach the top and, despite unspeakable fatigue and cold, to feel this sweet moment of victory. And then, down the road after a hard trial, we discovered an incredible landscape with rainbows and transparent clouds like a symbol of the beginning of the new year with lots of opportunities on the horizon. Our team has gone through this difficult path for the common goal, that once again confirmed our unity, fantastical optimism, willingness to help each other and reach the peaks together